A well known teen drama series, One Tree Hill, had a successful nine seasons over the past nine years. One Tree Hill follows four teenagers through their life in high school. There is a lot of partying, nudity, sex, parenthood, divorce, and romantic dramas. On the flip side it has positive messages and role models. Its’ just the whole package. Tree Hill is located in North Carolina. Its a small quiet town, but not quite like the people in it. Two half brothers that grew up separately because their father, Dan Scott, only acknowledge one child existence while the other lived a total opposite life with his mother. Basketball ties in the series all together. Lucas Scott(Chad Michael Murray) who is an outsider that is very shy but has an amazing street hoop player. Fate compels him to play with his brother, Nathan Scott(James Lafferty), who is a jock and part of the high school basketball team as one of the best players that has ever played. Love triangles formed fast throughout the first season. Lucas falls for Peyton Sawyer(Nathan’s girlfriend). Brooke Davis(Peyton’s best friend) falls for Lucas, while Nathan falls for Haley James(Lucas’s best friend). The show shows ideal teenage situations like drinking and sex. These topics are taboo but they do happen. A character, Haley James, didn't believe in sex before marriage but the other did. Brooke Davis, captain of the cheerleading squad who is boy obsessed is all for sex and loves the attention which she doesn't get at home. Brooke is a lonely girl whose parents are always vacationing and never had any adult figure to watch over her. Nathan was the typical “jock”. He partied and never really cared about his girlfriend and hooks up with random girls. Later on in the season Nathan tried to get back at Lucas for being on the team by getting closer to Haley to make him jealous. Who knew after a while that he began to fall in love with her? The show is not all about drama. Life lessons always play a major part of the script in each episode. One Tree Hill gives teens somebody to relate to and makes them to think a different way than they normally would. And shows kids are not alone in their situation.
Sunday, May 12, 2013
One Tree Hill Review
A well known teen drama series, One Tree Hill, had a successful nine seasons over the past nine years. One Tree Hill follows four teenagers through their life in high school. There is a lot of partying, nudity, sex, parenthood, divorce, and romantic dramas. On the flip side it has positive messages and role models. Its’ just the whole package. Tree Hill is located in North Carolina. Its a small quiet town, but not quite like the people in it. Two half brothers that grew up separately because their father, Dan Scott, only acknowledge one child existence while the other lived a total opposite life with his mother. Basketball ties in the series all together. Lucas Scott(Chad Michael Murray) who is an outsider that is very shy but has an amazing street hoop player. Fate compels him to play with his brother, Nathan Scott(James Lafferty), who is a jock and part of the high school basketball team as one of the best players that has ever played. Love triangles formed fast throughout the first season. Lucas falls for Peyton Sawyer(Nathan’s girlfriend). Brooke Davis(Peyton’s best friend) falls for Lucas, while Nathan falls for Haley James(Lucas’s best friend). The show shows ideal teenage situations like drinking and sex. These topics are taboo but they do happen. A character, Haley James, didn't believe in sex before marriage but the other did. Brooke Davis, captain of the cheerleading squad who is boy obsessed is all for sex and loves the attention which she doesn't get at home. Brooke is a lonely girl whose parents are always vacationing and never had any adult figure to watch over her. Nathan was the typical “jock”. He partied and never really cared about his girlfriend and hooks up with random girls. Later on in the season Nathan tried to get back at Lucas for being on the team by getting closer to Haley to make him jealous. Who knew after a while that he began to fall in love with her? The show is not all about drama. Life lessons always play a major part of the script in each episode. One Tree Hill gives teens somebody to relate to and makes them to think a different way than they normally would. And shows kids are not alone in their situation.
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