Sunday, March 10, 2013

"We're A Country Obsessed With Tragedies"

             Tragedy? What is it? Tragedy is an event causing great suffering, destruction, and distress, such as a serious accident, crime, or natural catastrophe. Our country today shapes itself around it and feeds off the drama. Every night America tunes in to watch the news. All the news reports are mostly on murders. Even though murders are gruesome the news seems to glorify them. The news talk about major media events to boost their ratings. News media tries to make sense of what happened. They spend days and days analyzing the situation and mostly the offender. The offender’s face would be on every news channel and  they try to look at them in different angles. People  in America likes to hear about it, have their opinions on it, and have debates about it. But they won’t do anything to help prevent the tragedies. When something bad happens the first people at the crime scene are the reporters and journalists. They try  to get interviews with the victims and asking them a bunch of questions. They ask “How are you feeling about all this happening?”  They are obvious scarred for life because something horrific just happened and nothing will ever be the same.  Deep inside reporters and journalists don’t care about any of their emotions and reactions. The News media knows that they will make thousands off of the interview. Then the next day they’re going to do it to another person for the next catastrophe.  Its safe to say that many people are fascinated by devastation that happen to other people and it’s hard for them to not be compelled by it. No one wants to see heartwarming things compared to something much more interesting.