Thursday, April 25, 2013

Boston Marathon Bombing

On Monday April 15, 2013 one of the world’s best known road racing events, The Boston Marathon, had a tragic ending. As the elite runners crossed the finish line two bombs went off. The first explosion happens at 2:50 p.m. The second explosion happened ten seconds after only 550 feet away. Three were killed including an eight year old boy and over 260 people were injured. The two suspects of the Boston were Tamerlan Tsamaev,26, and Dzhokhar Tsamaev,19.

      In President Obama speech he said "Boston is a tough, resilient town and so are its people.” He couldn’t have said it any better. The Bruins hosted the Sabres in Boston’s first professional sporting event since The Boston Marathon bombing. Rene Rancourt came out and sang the national anthem. The whole crowd at the game took over and sang with so much heart. It was one of the best and bone chilling anthems I’ve ever heard. Everyone seemed so proud to sing along. Five days later there was a shooting in Watertown with the Boston Bombing suspects. Tamerlan Tsamaev
 was killed in the shoot off with the police. Dzhokhar Tsamaev was found later on that Friday night. After a long day of the man hunt that happened. Watertown was under lock down. No one could go to work or leave their homes. Police from all over the state and some surround states came over and helped with the man hunt. They set up a 20 block perimeter in Watetown and searched through every house. A resident from Watertown went outside that night and saw that there was blood on his boat. He checked what was causing it and he found Dzhokhar Tsamaev wounded in the neck. He contacted the police and they took thermal photos to see if Tsamaev was in there. They took a robotic cane to remove the top of the boat off.

I thought that the federal government shouldn’t have been involved of the manhunt for Dzhokhar Tsamaev because they were all the way in Washington D.C. They came and took over the jobs of the Boston police. The federal government set up a 20 block perimeter while the suspect was found on block 21. The person who found the suspect wasn’t even a police or any type of authority. It was a citizen who was checking on his boat. During the ban no one was allowed to leave their homes it shows that Boston people are stubborn but get things done. If the Federal government wasn’t involved then other countries would think that the United States doesn’t care about its people.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Same sex marriage debate

The latest news story that has been buzzing around is the same sex marriage bill in the United Sates. Since same sex marriage has been in the politic radar for a while now the Supreme Court decided to take a hearing in the same sex marriage in December of 2012. Massachusetts was the first state the legalized same sex marriage.  California legalized same sex marriage on June 16, 2008, but by the Supreme Court of California it ended that year on November 5 due to an amendment violation. 38 U.S states have banned same-sex marriage. The majority of Americans who are younger than 30 seem to be more supportive of the same sex marriage than the elders. With the younger generation of kids homo sexuality has became an accepted lifestyle nowadays. A 17 year old senior at Norton High School Brittany Kenyon says, “Yes I feel that the Supreme Court should legalize same-sex marriage in all the states. I believe that the couples should have that decision of being married not the states.” Many celebrities have been open about their sexuality like Ellen DeGeneres. Kenyon says, “People shouldn’t be so judgmental all the time. If Massachusetts passes the same-sex marriage then the rest of the states should. I have an uncle and brother who are gay. They’re the same person to me. I still love them the same even though they like different sexes. I support their decisions. Young people grew up with a protest and are unfazed by gay marriage.”
 “Hopefully gay marriage will pass because it’s for the better. And some people’s attitude will change about gay marriage. One day it will change,” Says the 17 year old. Most elders do not support this movement. They grew up religiously or don’t think its “normal” for two of the same genders to like each other.
 A 50 year old elder said, “I think that they shouldn’t pass the same-sex marriage. I was raised up to believe that marriage should between a man and a woman. And not any other variations of that. In the bible we have been taught that God wanted men and women to be together not.” The 50 year old year grew up with going to church every Sunday with his family. “I feel like it’s a waste of time because nothing is ever going to change. This is not normal for the same genders to like each other.”  Statistics show that same sex marriage as grown.  “I do know people who like the same sex but I don’t associate with people like that a lot,” says the 50 year old.  Later he adds “These relationships are not supporting the family values that we have all been taught.  Since they have a non ability to reproduce naturally.” It only takes a matter of time until something gets changed because the statistics are going up

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

School Uniforms

School uniforms have been a raging controversial topic for ages now. The trend had started in many public schools since the late 90’s. They have a many pros and cons. Can uniforms be more of a good or bad thing? In my opinion having uniforms is an excellent idea. For most teenage girls picking out an outfit in the morning is one of the stressful things to do. There are so many clothes to choose from and making sure that everything goes together. It’s hard to dress to impress. This helps reduce judgment of students because everyone are wearing the same outfit.  It releases stress and saves time in the morning because there aren’t a lot of clothes to choose from. A sophomore student from Coyle Cassidy High School, Gianna Fistori, says. “They’re easier because I don’t have to pick out outfits and it’s less stress because everyone looks the same and no one is getting judge for what they wear.” In the economy we’re in now it would help break down the social barriers at school. Economically speaking parents less money on their children’s clothing compared to school supplies. It would be easier if they just bought uniforms it would save more money. Some students feel that they are pressured into buying designer brand clothes just to fit in with their friends.  Statics show that when Long Beach, CA adopted school uniforms in 1995 the overall crime rate dropped by 91%. As of 2009 in the United States, 21 states with public school systems require their students to wear uniforms.  A survey of Teachers regarding the implemented use of school uniforms shows that 95% of the teachers “Agree” or “Strongly Agree” that uniforms have promoted positive student behavior. Also according to statistics 81% of teachers “Agree” or “Strongly Agree” that it has minimized disruption and distractions. Having uniforms might not be such a bad idea. It depends how strict the dress code is because some schools are. Most school allows students to accessorize. Schools let students wear any type of shoes and accessories that they want. That’s where individuality would come in. Everyone is wearing the same thing, but they can be different by little things. A junior at Norton High School, Erin Kennedy, says “I wouldn’t mind them cause they take no time to pick out in the morning but I must be allowed to accessorize!” Overall, uniforms might not as be as bad as people make it out to be.